Catch the Vision of our Strategic Plan

Washington State University’s strategic plan is not just a plan on paper. It is a dynamic plan guided by our mission as a land-grant research institution and our responsibilities to provide a practical education for all, scholarly inquiry that benefits society, and sharing our expertise to benefit state and global communities. 

As WSU looks toward the future, we recognize the importance of place throughout Washington state. The WSU system is united by our mission to share our expertise across extension offices in each and every county in Washington state, our four research centers in key agricultural areas in Washington, and our six unique campus locations and eleven academic colleges. 

Our communities—our roots—inform who we are. At Washington State University, we want to celebrate those experiences and skillsets that we bring along with us and deepen and expand that knowledge as we cultivate leaders who give back to their communities. Catch the vision of what we’re building at WSU.

Learn more about our system plan priorities for 2023-2024.

Eija Sumner, OSPA Communications

About the Author

Eija Sumner is the Strategic Communication Coordinator in the Office of Strategy, Planning, and Analysis (OSPA) at Washington State University.