Navigating Change Together: Recap from WSU’s Annual Leadership Planning Retreat

The Office of Strategy, Planning, and Analysis hosts an annual leadership planning retreat in May with the goal of bringing broad WSU leadership together— Chancellors, Deans, Vice Presidents, and System Leaders—to discuss some of the opportunities and challenges facing Washington State University.  

This mix of academic and administrative leaders from our campuses, colleges, and units provides a great opportunity to interact with colleagues and begin to assess the landscape—where we are as an institution— for strategic planning across the system.  

This year’s retreat was held on the WSU Spokane campus and included discussions around the state of higher education, budget development, working across a system, and the upcoming academic and program review. 

The State of Higher Ed

A guest speaker from EAB shared insights on the state of higher education and discussed challenges facing higher education— such as enrollment and demographics, public perception of higher education value, student readiness and well-being, and sustainable business models— and highlighted some of the external factors at play that impact the work we do each day. Understanding and scanning the environment and external influences are crucial components of strategic planning and empower leaders to successfully navigate and determine WSU’s future direction. 

Budget Development

Executive Vice President for Finance and Administration Leslie Brunelli shed light on WSU’s financial scenario for FY25 budget development. This discussion was a vital step in enhanced collaboration among WSU leaders, leading to a unified approach in addressing the university’s key financial challenges and opportunities. Some of the information that Vice President Brunelli shared is available in the May 7, 2024, WSU News Insider article on strategic reallocation of core funds; more detailed information from WSU Finance and Administration is expected to be available online by the end of the fiscal year. 

Creating Alignment for a Thriving Future at WSU 

To integrate our planning efforts at WSU, we must continue to work together, build community, and prepare for change. We were fortunate to be joined by Vice Chair of the WSU Board of Regents Jenette Ramos, whose insightful remarks centered on the importance of team leadership, particularly as the university enters a time of transition, with significant leadership changes occurring. During this pivotal period, it is crucial for us to unite, share our diverse experiences and perspectives, and reinforce our collective commitment to the university’s future. These were key themes that emerged throughout the day, along with the importance of continued transparency and communication.   

To end the day, participants had the opportunity to provide feedback that will be used to help shape the academic and program review process that will take place during the next academic year. Gathering leadership in one place to discuss these key issues is an important part of the annual planning cycle at WSU. Ultimately, this annual retreat underscores the essential role of strategic planning in addressing immediate challenges and the necessary work to shape a resilient and thriving future for Washington State University. 

Profile photo of Christine Hoyt, Vice President of Strategy, Planning, and Analysis at WSU.

About the Author

Christine Hoyt is Vice President of Strategy, Planning, and Analysis at Washington State University. She provides oversight and leadership to guide WSU’s system strategic planning efforts.

She serves as a strategic partner with other leaders and planners systemwide to drive alignment of WSU’s campus, college, and unit plans to the system strategic plan and implementation of the institution’s top priorities.